Hunt & Associates P.C.

Oct 4, 2016

Lack of Work Can Turn a Good Lawyer Bad

FilesAt least it was his difficulty attracting business that’s given as the explanation for Nathan DeSai’s transformation from a diligent attorney who always showed up for work every day to a rogue Houston gun man randomly shooting at passing cars until police killed him according to the ABA Journal story.  The moral, of course, is to make sure your lawyer has lots of work.

© 10/4/2016 Lawrence B. Hunt of Hunt & Associates, P.C.Read more

Sep 27, 2016

At Our University You’d Best Keep Your Suicidal Thoughts to Yourself

Depression - 092716Northern Michigan University apparently disciplines students who tell other students they are feeling suicidal or self-destructive because those thoughts might be uncomfortable.  Apparently the school would rather students with such feelings harm or kill themselves than seek help from their peers.  As discussed at Popehat Blog, the school’s approach is contrary to what mental health professionals would suggest.

© 9/27/2016 Lawrence B. Hunt of Hunt & Associates, P.C.  All rights reserved.… Read more